Fixed Interest Investments

We currently offer offshore fixed interest investments, which allow our investors a regular income for a set term with the expectation that the principal will be repaid at the end at maturity.

These types of investments are normally issued by corporations, government and financial institutions such as banks to raise funds.

Examples of fixed interest investments:

  • corporate bonds
  • government bonds
  • capital notes
  • debentures and
  • income securities.

The Benefits of investing in fixed interest

These type of investments help round out a balance and diversified investment portfolio offering the follow benefits

  • Regular income returns at a set interest rate, fixed for a specified term, providing far better safety and certainty than shareholder dividends
  • Assurance of repayment of your initial investment on maturity
  • Even if interest rates fall, you in most cases continue to earn the higher initial set rate of interest until maturity.

The Risks of investing in fixed interest

On the whole fixed Interest investments offer generally safe and secure returns however like any investment their our downsides.

  • Not all companies offering fixed interest investments are guaranteed.
  • Fixed interest funds set at a standard rate may tie up funds and therefore you may loss the opportunity in to take advantage to invest in higher yield funds.